borderline diabetes

borderline diabetesThe borderline diabetes is most common across the United States and it is the result of bad eating habits and a sedentary life. In general, the condition is difficult to diagnose as the glucose levels after eating are between 100 and 125. Sadly, many people that have borderline or pre-existing diabetes are unaware of the condition, until it fully develops to a type 2 diabetes. At this point, it is important to provide some details regarding what is diabetes type 2. In a nutshell, even though this is not an inherited condition, it can be triggered by genetic factors as well as environmental causes.

Keep in mind that while type 1 means the body cannot produce the hormone, diabetes type 2 results from insulin resistance or improper use of insulin. The most common genetic reasons why a person can susceptible to developing pre-diabetes include: the genetic defects in insulin processing, action or of the β-cell function, defects of the pancreas, certain infections, medication, drugs and endocrinopathies. Similar to type 2 diabetes, the borderline diabetes does not appear over night. In fact, one of the reasons why it is so hard to spot during medical tests is that the symptoms evolve very slowly.