Lowering the Blood Sugar Levels

Lowering the Blood Sugar LevelsIf the body is unable to regulate the glucose levels in the next two or three hours after a meal, then that person starts to display symptoms of diabetes and is diagnosed as diabetic. The simplest test to detect diabetes is performed at the doctor’s office: patients will be given a sugar-rich drink and if their glucose surpasses 200 mg/ml then they are diagnosed with diabetes. Having constant high blood sugar levels in the body has lots of negative consequences in the long run, such as kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, nerve problems or blindness for example.

However, being diagnosed with diabetes does not necessarily imply that a person will be dealing with these health issues, especially if he makes a few modifications in his lifestyle. For starters, the diabetic needs to be more careful about what and when he eats. Since the high blood sugar levels are common immediately after eating, then he should have smaller meals throughout the day.

At the same time, he is to avoid carbonated drinks or carbohydrate rich foods, as these are known aliments to increase the glucose levels. Lastly, since stress is also one of factors that contribute to increased sugar levels, it is advisable that the diabetic individual dedicates some time for hobbies and activities he enjoys.